Jan 25, 20245 min read
The link between Japan and the castle of Roche Goyon, castle La Latte.
Exploration of the Cultural Link between the Château de la Roche Goyon, Fort La Latte, and Japan through Frédéric Joüon Des Longrais The...
Jan 25, 20243 min read
La prise du château de la Roche Goyon (Fort La latte) par 8 chouans en 1815
The Capture of the Castle of the Roche Goyon, castle La Latte, during the Chouannerie of 1815, was marked by striking events. It was...
Jan 25, 20244 min read
A claimant to the throne of England at the castle of the Roche Goyon (Castle La Latte)
The War of the Throne In November 1715, in the icy mist of La Latte, a figure emerges. It's James Francis Stuart, claimant to the throne...